ARECA (ARC-1300/2300/1600/2600) SATA/SAS Host Bus Adapter RedHat Enterprise Linux AS/ES release 5.3 x86_64 and i686(kernel-2.6.18-128.el5) Driver User's Guide ====================================================================== ====================================================================== Linux SCSI driver technical support mail address: Tel: 886-2-8797-4060 Fax: 886-2-8797-5970 Web site: ====================================================================== ====================================================================== ********************************************************************** ** 1. Contents ** ********************************************************************** readme.txt - the readme file for ARC-1300/2300/1600/2600 driver RedHat Linux SATA/SAS Host Bus Adapter driver - ziped Areca Host Bus Adapter driver disk for system install(driver.img) ********************************************************************** ** 2. First installation ** ********************************************************************** A. Before Installation - Under DOS/Windows environment a. Unzip driver disk X:\PATH\pkunzip.exe =>> driver.img b. Dump it into a floppy disk. X:\PATH\rawrite.exe driver.img A: Tips: You can get rawrite.exe from RedHat installation CD/DVD "\dosutils" directory. - Under Unix enviroment a. # unzip b. # dd if=driver.img of=/dev/fd0 B. Installation a. Booting from Installation CD/DVD #1 b. On "Welcome to Red Hat Linux" installation screen, a prompted lable "boot:" will appear at the bottom of the screen. According to the prompt, type in "text(or linux) dd" to tell linux we have a driver disk. c. You will be asked "Do you have a driver disk?", select "Yes". d. When prompted "Insert your driver disk and press OK to continue", insert the driver diskette in the floppy drive and then select "OK". e. Driver of arcsas should be automaticlly loaded into kernel. The kernel will find RAID Volume connected to you raid card, and continue installing your system... ********************************************************************** ** 3. Installing raid driver on an Existing System. ** ********************************************************************** CASE: if you do not attempt to compile driver source $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ extract arsas.ko from $$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ # mkdir /root/tmp # unzip # dd if=driver.img of=/dev/fd0 # mount /dev/fd0 /mnt # cp /mnt/modules.cgz /root/tmp # cd /root/tmp # gzip -cd modules.cgz > modules.cpio # cat modules.cpio | cpio -i ; you can get arsas.ko from 2.6.18-128.el5 P.S. ====================================================================== There is particularly useful method if you are running a stock kernel supplied by your Linux distributor, or for other reason do not want to perform a full kernel build. Please note that this way you will only be able to build a module version of the arcsas driver; also note that you will need at least the headers and configuration file your current kernel was built with. Provided that you meet all the above prerequisites, building the arcsas driver module is done with the following command: # cd /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/arcsas (suppose /usr/src/linux is the soft-link for /usr/src/kernel/2.6.18-128.el5) # make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build CONFIG_SCSI_ARCSAS=m SUBDIRS=$PWD modules # insmod arcsas.ko